Bitumen Calculator (prime Coat) - IS : 8887

Bitumen Prime Calculator Bitumen Calculation (prime Coat)


Quantity of Bitumen

49.00 Kgs

Area = 70.00 m2

Bitumen Quantity

Total Area = Length×Breath

Total Area = 70.00 m2

Quantity of Bitumen = Total Area×Rate of Spray

Quantity of Bitumen = 70.00×0.7

Quantity of Bitumen = 49.00 Kgs

What is Bitumen calculation?

Scope :

This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material to a porous granular surface preparatory to the superimposition of bituminous treatment or mix. The work shall be carried out on a previously prepared granular/ stabilized surface to Clause

Material :

The primer shall be cationic bitumen emulsion SS1 grade conforming to IS:8887 or medium curing cutback bitumen conforming to IS:217 or as specified in the Contract.

Quantity of SS1 grade bitumen emulsion for various types of granular surface and Cutback for primer shall not be prepared at the site. Type and quantity of cutback bitumen for various types of granular surface shall be as given in Table.

Emulsion Bitumen Cutback Bitumen
Types of Surface Rate of Spray
Types of Surface Cutback Rate of Spray
WMM / WBM 0.7 – 1.0 WMM / WBM MC 30 0.6 – 0.9
Stabilized soil bases/Crusher Run Macadam 0.9 – 1.2 Stabilized soil bases/Crusher Run Macadam MC 70 0.9 – 1.2

The correct quantity of primer shall be decided by the Engineer and shall be such that it can be absorbed by the surface without causing run-off of excessive primer and to achieve desired penetration of about 8-10 mm.

weather and Seasonal Limitations :

Primer shall not be applied during a dust storm or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is less than 100C. Cutback bitumen as primer shall not Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 167 be applied to a wet surface. Surfaces which are to receive emulsion primer should be damp, but no free or standing water shall be present. Surface can be just wet by very light sprinkling of water.

Construction Equipment :

The primer shall be applied by a self-propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures. Hand spraying shall not be allowed except in small areas, inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow strips where primer shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the Engineer. 502.4.2 P reparation of R oad Surface The granular surface to be primed shall be swept clean by power brooms or mechanical sweepers and made free from dust. All loose material and other foreign material shall be removed completely. If soil/ moorum binder has been used in the WBM surface, part of this should be brushed and removed to a depth of about 2 mm so as to achieve good penetration.

Application of Bituminous Primer :

After preparation of the road surface as per Clause 502.4.2, the primer shall be sprayed uniformly at the specified rate. The method for application of the primer will depend on the type of equipment to be used, size of nozzles, pressure at the spray bar and speed of forward movement. The Contractor shall demonstrate at a spraying trial, that the equipment and method to be used is capable of producing a uniform spray, within the tolerances specified No heating or dilution of SS1 bitumen emulsion and shall be permitted at site. Temperature of cutback bitumen shall be high enough to permit the primer to be sprayed effectively though the jets of the spray and to cover the surface uniformly.

Curing of Primer and Opening to Traffi

A primed surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours or such other higher period as is found to be necessary to allow all the moisture/volatiles to evaporate before any subsequent surface treatment or mix is laid. Any unabsorbed primer shall first be blotted with a light application of sand, using the minimum quantity possible. A primed surface shall not be opened to traffic other than that necessary to lay the next course.

Quality Control of Work :

For control of the quality of materials and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 900 shall apply. Section 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 168

Arrangements for Traffic :

During construction operations, arrangements for traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 112. 502.7 Measurement for Payment Prime coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.

Rate :

The contract unit rate for prime coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed and as applicable to the work specified in these Specifications. Payment shall be made on the basis of the provision of prime coat at an application rate of quantity at 0.6 kg per square metre or at the rate specified in the Contract, with adjustment, plus or minus, for the variation between this quantity and the actual quantity approved by the Engineer..

Bitumen Calculation
Area for Bitumen=Length×Breadth

Total Quantity=Total Area×Rate of Spray
  • m2 is a Square meter.
  • length, breadth in mater/cm.

1 m2 = 10.7639 ft2


Importance of Bitumen calculation


It provides a smooth surface to ride because it does not make use of any joints and as compared with concrete pavements, it also gives less sound emission. It maintains the smoothness because the wear and tear are less in the bitumen road.


The concrete pavement shows brittle failures and the deformation and the failure is a gradual process in bitumen road.


The repairing of bitumen road is a quick process and they set fast so they don’t consume time in reverting the path for traffic.


In a situation when problems of fund constraint or traffic estimation problems are faced, this helps in carrying out staged construction.


As compared to concrete pavement, the initial cost and overall maintenance cost of bituminous pavement are less.


They are not affected by de-icing materials and act resistant against high temperatures from melting.

Road Construction Calculators